Gail's Paper and Pens - Volume 2 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD


Gail's Paper and Pens is a two volume book about former teacher Gail Keating's experience working with those with complex learning difficulties in Midlothian. It outlines stories about some of the characters she worked with as well as her strategies for helping those people. Beautifully illustrated by Mollie Ray, these two books are invaluable tools in understanding those with complex needs as well as recounting Gail's - often hilarious - encounters with the people she has worked with.

Digital download (pdf), 120 pages. Also available in paperback.

"Those with autism and those who relate to them have to deal constantly
with the question mark that is the mystery of everyday life. Often, without consciously realising it, we expect autistic people to do things in the same way as we do and this can place obstacles in the way of their understanding of us and perhaps learning from us how to cope better with the stress of daily living.

Both volumes of “Paper and Pens” aim to help all of us who share the lives of those with what is called autism to learn to think differently ourselves so that they can understand us better. Everything in these pages has been lived out in real situations in my life’s work as a teacher: the majority of which was spent with pupils with complex learning difficulties and behaviour which was described as challenging by educational and social work services." Gail Keating.